Introductory Post!

Hello and assalamualaikum everyone! Here, on Girls Talk Games, we will talk about a few games that we played from various types! There are puzzles, action, horror, simulation games and many more. This website is created for our ICT Mini Project, instructed by Madam Hafiza😄

Our game reviews will consist of:

1. Our honest opinions of the games we played

We will make sure that the reviews we write are the truth from our heart. What we like about the games, what we don't like about the games, and what might you not like about the games, all will be put in our reviews.

2. Tiny bits of our experiences while playing the games, without spoiling you!

What happened when we start playing the games, some challenges throughout the games and some hints about how we end the games, without spoiling you too much.

3. Lots of pictures, so you won't be bored

Not really interested in reading? Don't worry, we got your back. There will be a lot of pictures included in our posts from the games.

4. Not to forget, some tips for you if you want to play the games😉

If we win the games, so can you! We will share some tips with you. Let's win these games together.

Stay tuned with us,
Lots of love,

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