Diamond Rush

I am choosing this game because it is reminded me about my childhood when I am playing this game using the old one model of Nokia's phone which is the model's name is Nokia C3. So that I am decided to try this game using the smartphone. 

From the picture above, that is the starting of the game when the button play was pressed. based on the picture, there are 4 stages that we can play. However, the next stage are available to be played when the previous stages are completed. This game is about to collect all the diamonds. The red one is easy to get while the purple one is a bit harder to get.  


These two are examples of tasks that must be solved and the other side is the solved one.

However, there are obstacles like snakes and rocks. In this game, the player cannot collide the snake or the game will over. Same goes o the rocks, the player cannot be under the rock for a long time or the game will over. 

LIKE ...

In this game, the thing that I like the most is when I can solve the task for days. Even though the task was quite hard, but it is kind like fiesta when the task was solved.


 Besides that, the thing that I did not like about this game are how to control the avatar and there is no checkpoint to start over when the game is over. For the example, I had to start from the entrance when the game was over. If there are some checkpoints in this game, I think that I will really enjoy playing it. 


                   - SOUND EFFECT: 9/10 (the suitable one)
                   - THE AVATAR'S CONTROL: 4/10 ( prefer using button when playing this game)

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